What is ATEM Car Club?

Welcome to ATEM Car Club.

ATEM Car Club
3 min readMay 4, 2022
ATEM Car Club

We are a definitive community built on sharing car culture in the metaverse and across the globe.

For generations, car culture in motorsport has become an inseparable part of our DNA, and many of us still remember the moments that sparked our passion and the people we share those memories with. Car culture has been the backbone of friendships for many people, with enthusiast groups being immensely positive communities built on a solid sense of family and belonging. It is this culture that has fostered lifelong defining relationships.

Car culture communities inspire many innovation areas and cover everything from collecting, competition and customization. Belonging to a car community enriches lives and allows members to share experiences, knowledge, opportunities and friendships. ATEM is bringing these key areas to web3 and bridging the gap between real-life experiences and digital car culture.

The four pillars that ATEM is built around are collecting, competition, community, and customization.


Collecting is driven by personal taste and experiences and can be a passive hobby or a very significant life mission. Clubs, forums and events form over decades and become custodians of our collective history and global culture.

A membership to ATEM gives you community ownership of the collectable cars and venues held by the ATEM Car Club.


Community is at the core of car culture. ATEM is a community space and club management focused on the community and bringing partnerships and opportunities to members. ATEM will host events and sponsorships shared in person and virtually.


Motorsport is an immersive team effort, and progression to perfection is met with meaningful achievements and rewards. The events generate huge fan participation and millions of people attend global events and experience motorsport as a fan every year.

ATEM is building competitive digital experiences. The level of strategy will be closer to the experience of being a car collector, motorsport race car or team owner, involving other players and assets. ATEM digital experiences will use game economics to reach the next goal or achieve your ultimate goal of victory.


The design and customization culture has inspired collectors to build and restore meaningful and important vehicles as pieces of art and culture in every corner of the world and often in the least expected places.

Collectability can come from scarcity. However, there is nothing more scarce than custom made or created 1:1 for you. Having an ATEM membership will give you access to customize digital assets.

Digital Car Culture

With the invention of arcades, home computers and gaming consoles, we have witnessed a new aspect of car culture. The advancement of technology has made becoming part of a car community even more accessible regardless of location or demographics. With accessibility being so high, digital car culture has in many ways surpassed the passion and audience of motorsport or even collecting.

Although we have seen a lot of evolution in this space, we are still early in seeing what is possible to achieve with technology. The quality of digital experiences has evolved, and ATEM is entering the scene at a point in time where many converging events are affecting culture on a global scale. By utilizing Web3 technologies, ATEM takes the traditional community model and evolves it into an immersive digital experience.

Digital experiences have long been on centralized non-transferrable platforms where your collection cannot be swapped or traded with other players, which has caused a disposability with the assets you worked hard to acquire. Web3 works to solve this with the foundation of decentralized blockchain technology and NFTs holding digital asset ownership rights. Now that we have ownership of assets, we can achieve a higher level of personalization, with customization and opportunities for artist participation.

This is how we define Digital Reality.

ATEM Car Club — The definitive Web3 car community.

To stay up to date, connect with us on Twitter and join the community on Discord.

